
New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 248

By Mark Sisson


Published on December 8, 2023

Research of the Week

Forest exposure improves quality of life in cancer patients.

Powerlifting improves strength gains throughout almost all life stages, with strength losses of 0.35% per year occurring only after age 69.

Outdoor training improves function and quality of life in older adults.

High intensity interval training reduces sleep apnea severity.

Blood flow restriction training with a wide cuff improves lower body explosive power.

New Primal Kitchen Podcasts

Primal Kitchen Podcast: Get to Know Your Inner Parts with Richard Schwartz, PhD

Primal Health Coach Radio: Aleks Salkin

Media, Schmedia

Hunter-gatherers built complex forts 8000 years ago.

Whole embryo genome sequencing coming soon.

Interesting Blog Posts

Why many millennials dread being a mom.

Social Notes

A nice chat.

Everything Else

Sarcopenic? More intensity in the weight room helps.

Beets for cognitive function (memory capacity, frontal skills).

Korean basketball players are starting to bank their free throws.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Interesting: Cat ownership and schizophrenia.

Of course: Strength training can reverse sarcopenia regardless of a person’s genetics.

Small study but powerful effect: Lion’s mane mushroom supplement improves cognitive performance and reduces stress in young adults.

Cool paper: Arguing that kids need to be strength training.

Amazing: Whales have vowels and diphthongs.

Question I’m Asking

What do you have planned for the holidays?

Recipe Corner

  • Nice way to handle steak: pepper steak.
  • Thai pork stock.

Time Capsule

One year ago (Nov 2 – Dec 8)

  • 7 Exercises to Relieve Knee Pain—How to.
  • 11 Ways to Heal a Wound Fast—What to do.

Comment of the Week

“My schizophrenic partner feels like “a freak in the streets” everytime he exits our apartment, a triumphant and difficult event I now refer to as a “prison break.” We won’t be going on a hut-to-hut adventure in the Rockies anytime soon. But yesterday we went out for coffee together and he actually enjoyed being out in public with his milky americano. Afterwards, he suggested a short walk. Hallelujah! Our physical challenge of the week will likely look tame by Primal standards but we’re going, we’re going for sure.”

-Keep up the good work.

TAGS:&nbsprecent articles, weekly link love

About the Author

Mark Sisson is the founder of Mark’s Daily Apple, godfather to the Primal food and lifestyle movement, and the New York Times bestselling author of The Keto Reset Diet. His latest book is Keto for Life, where he discusses how he combines the keto diet with a Primal lifestyle for optimal health and longevity. Mark is the author of numerous other books as well, including The Primal Blueprint, which was credited with turbocharging the growth of the primal/paleo movement back in 2009. After spending more than three decades educating folks on why food is the key component to achieving and maintaining optimal wellness, Mark launched Primal Kitchen, a real-food company that creates flavorful and delicious kitchen staples crafted with premium ingredients like avocado oil. With over 70 condiments, sauces, oils, and dressings in their lineup, Primal Kitchen makes it easy to prep mouthwatering meals that fit into your lifestyle.

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